Thursday, October 1, 2009
Did my child really just do what I think he did?? OMG!
So after picking up Grayson up from school today, we had to run a few errands which required us to go inside a store. We had been in the store maybe for two minutes and Grayson informs me that he has to go pee. So we hunt down the bathroom and he takes care of business, everything's good. We're back out in the store for maybe another 5 minutes and Grayson informs that he now needs to go poop. Ugh. I ask him, "can't you hold it until we get back home?" I hate the idea of him touching the toilet seats in a public bathroom. But no, he cannot wait. So back we go into the bathroom. I am trying to keep Conley from touching everything while kneeling so that Grayson can put his feet on my knee for leverage. Grayson finishes up and I am in the process of wiping him when I look up and see Conley - (read as though in slow motion) "Conleeeeeey, NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" My child has just reached his hand into the toilet to touch the poop that Grayson has just deposited!!! Oh, the horror! I am absolutely mortified and grossed out!!! Needless to say, we did a lot of hand scrubbing with soap!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Our trip to Houston
This post is a little late (I am perpetually late, in case you haven't figure that out by now...that's what having kids does to you), but there was some good stuff that happened, so I have to post about it! Back in June the boys and I, without Jon, took the road trip down to Houston for Zack and Ana's graduation party. I was a little nervous about traveling alone with the boys and how to handle pit stops, but all went smoothly. We only made one stop for mommy to pee and change a diaper and the rest of the way we were golden! I think it might have had something to do with the dual-screen DVD player we put in the car...and maybe some new snacks we bought just for the car.
For the first part of the weekend we stayed with my brother-in-law and sister-in-law, Chris and Kelly. Grayson loved it there, especially their little patio/sunroom. He got to feed their little beta-fish, named simply enough, fish-fish. That evening we went to eat at Beck's Prime at the mall to celebrate my other brother-in-law, Kelley's, 40th birthday since we were all in town together. My sister-in-law, Kelly, is genius when it comes to planning activities/outings around little kids. So, the restaurant was loud and noisy - perfect - and it was attached to the mall that had a really cool kids' play area. Now, Grayson was also on his first week of hard core potty training, so most of his play time was spent trying to go to the bathroom. He would play and come running to me telling me he had to poop, so off we would run to the bathroom, but then he couldn't go. It was quite frustrating and he kept touching the toilet seat - gross! We used lots of antibacterial wipes and hand sanitizer that night. Once we got back to Chris and Kelly's condo Grayson ended up pooping on his little potty - magic! So far so accidents!

The next day was Saturday, the day of the big shin-dig for Zack and Ana. Since we figured that all of the Langes would be running around like crazy trying to get ready for the party, Kelly suggested that we take the boys to the Children's Museum. So after a little breakfast, off we went. Grayson had a blast running around and checking everything out and Conley was such a trooper. He sat in the stroller the whole time without so much as a peep. Nice!

Grayson was rewarded with a big twisty lollipop for pooping on the potty. So far so good...still no accidents! And I even forgot to ask him if he needed to go while we were at the museum and we were there for a long time - woohoo!
After some much needed naps for the boys, we got ourselves ready and headed over to Rob's house. All the family was there as well as Ana's family and some close friends. The boys were ready to hang out in the pool, so I changed them into their trunks and handed them over. They had a blast. Grayson even came running to me a couple of times to tell me he needed to go pee/poop on the potty - how awesome is that? I think the fact that all the family was there and he got to be the center of attention and everyone was praising him for going potty like a big boy did wonders for our potty training. He loved telling everyone that he went poop on the potty and getting high-fives.

Poor little Conley got so tired...we cleaned him up, fixed up the pack n play, turned the noise machine up as loud as it would go, put a "baby sleeping" sign on the door, and he crashed out until 8:30 the next morning without a peep to be heard. Grayson, on the other hand, was a little party animal, hanging out with all of the girls in the hot tub. It was too funny and he loved every minute of it! He especially loved shooting the girls with the squirt gun and attacking Aunt Kelly with his "binoculars". It was almost midnight before I got him cleaned up and ready for bed.

The ride home on Sunday wasn't quite as pleasant. Conley was quite the grumpy-monster, I'm sure from being so worn out from all of the activities. Grayson was still pretty content with the movies on the DVD player. We had to stop a few more times along the way, mostly because Conley was crying and I wanted to make sure he was okay and wasn't stewing in a poopy diaper or something. Boy, was it nice to finally make it home! All in all, I would say it was a successful trip!
For the first part of the weekend we stayed with my brother-in-law and sister-in-law, Chris and Kelly. Grayson loved it there, especially their little patio/sunroom. He got to feed their little beta-fish, named simply enough, fish-fish. That evening we went to eat at Beck's Prime at the mall to celebrate my other brother-in-law, Kelley's, 40th birthday since we were all in town together. My sister-in-law, Kelly, is genius when it comes to planning activities/outings around little kids. So, the restaurant was loud and noisy - perfect - and it was attached to the mall that had a really cool kids' play area. Now, Grayson was also on his first week of hard core potty training, so most of his play time was spent trying to go to the bathroom. He would play and come running to me telling me he had to poop, so off we would run to the bathroom, but then he couldn't go. It was quite frustrating and he kept touching the toilet seat - gross! We used lots of antibacterial wipes and hand sanitizer that night. Once we got back to Chris and Kelly's condo Grayson ended up pooping on his little potty - magic! So far so accidents!

The next day was Saturday, the day of the big shin-dig for Zack and Ana. Since we figured that all of the Langes would be running around like crazy trying to get ready for the party, Kelly suggested that we take the boys to the Children's Museum. So after a little breakfast, off we went. Grayson had a blast running around and checking everything out and Conley was such a trooper. He sat in the stroller the whole time without so much as a peep. Nice!

Grayson was rewarded with a big twisty lollipop for pooping on the potty. So far so good...still no accidents! And I even forgot to ask him if he needed to go while we were at the museum and we were there for a long time - woohoo!
After some much needed naps for the boys, we got ourselves ready and headed over to Rob's house. All the family was there as well as Ana's family and some close friends. The boys were ready to hang out in the pool, so I changed them into their trunks and handed them over. They had a blast. Grayson even came running to me a couple of times to tell me he needed to go pee/poop on the potty - how awesome is that? I think the fact that all the family was there and he got to be the center of attention and everyone was praising him for going potty like a big boy did wonders for our potty training. He loved telling everyone that he went poop on the potty and getting high-fives.

Poor little Conley got so tired...we cleaned him up, fixed up the pack n play, turned the noise machine up as loud as it would go, put a "baby sleeping" sign on the door, and he crashed out until 8:30 the next morning without a peep to be heard. Grayson, on the other hand, was a little party animal, hanging out with all of the girls in the hot tub. It was too funny and he loved every minute of it! He especially loved shooting the girls with the squirt gun and attacking Aunt Kelly with his "binoculars". It was almost midnight before I got him cleaned up and ready for bed.

The ride home on Sunday wasn't quite as pleasant. Conley was quite the grumpy-monster, I'm sure from being so worn out from all of the activities. Grayson was still pretty content with the movies on the DVD player. We had to stop a few more times along the way, mostly because Conley was crying and I wanted to make sure he was okay and wasn't stewing in a poopy diaper or something. Boy, was it nice to finally make it home! All in all, I would say it was a successful trip!
I'm not YOUR G!
So the other night I was telling (not asking) Grayson that is was time to go to bed. So I said, "C'mon, G! Time to go upstairs". He responded by saying, "I'm not YOUR G!" So I asked him who's G he was and he said, "I'm Hayden's G!". Hayden and Grayson's nicknames for each other are basically their first intials - creative, right? I was cracking up when he said that. So I asked him if he was my peanut and he said "Yeah!" Too cute!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Is there a baby in your tummy?
Wow - kids can do wonders for your self-esteem and body image, let me tell ya. I had just finished giving Grayson and bath and I was sitting on the top of the toilet lid as I was drying him off. Let me preface this next part by saying that despite losing all of my baby weight, the post-baby body is just not the same. So, when I sit down, the skin on my belly that was once stretched to unbelievable lengths now flaps over like a small beer belly of sorts. Grayson saw this monstrosity and said "is there a baby in your tummy?" Granted, this was probably prompted by the fact that we had just seen our very pregnant friend, Riki, when she came by to drop something off, but it doesn't make me feel any better! Smart Lipo here I come!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Ok, Seriously...Are you Kidding Me?
Today was not a good day in the potty training department...We had our playgroup at the park this morning and Grayson is still going commando down below, so I had him in just a pair of loose shorts and nothing else. He peed before we left and when we got to the park, I reminded him several times that if he needed to go potty, then he needed to let me know. Well, about a 1/2 hour into the playdate, I see Grayson come running towards me and his pants look all wet. Ugh. But no big deal. Mommy brought an extra pair of shorts just for this occasion. So, I get him cleaned up, we go back to play, we have some lunch, and then we play again. I am walking around with Conley when I hear our neighbor, Melanie, say "Bonita, we've got some poop". Are you KIDDING me? Arrrrrrrrgh! I looked up at Grayson who was up on this bridge and I asked him why he didn't tell me that he needed to go, and of course his answers never really make sense. He said, "Because I needed to go poop". Well, duh! And I know that they say you shouldn't get mad at kids when they're potty training, but it's so frustrating! So, I was yelling at him to come down the stairs so that we could get him cleaned up, while at the same time informing him that we would have to leave since we had no more clean pants. Queue the tears and the tantrum. He had skid-marks running down his legs from the poop and some inside his pants, and once I got him cleaned up I had to go back up on the play equipment and pick up the load that he had dropped. Gross!
On the bright-side of things today, Conley started saying "momma" and meaning it! Finally!!
On the bright-side of things today, Conley started saying "momma" and meaning it! Finally!!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Going Commando
OK, we're going hardcore with the potty training! We started yesterday and he has been going sans diaper around the far so good. He even played outside on the fort with just a shirt and shoes on - should I have put sunscreen on his bottom and his bits? HA! We only had one small accident yesterday on the tile. He goes to the potty by himself when he feels the need to go instead of my setting the timer, as we were doing previously. We've even made a couple of trips to the store and he stayed dry! Woo-hoo! Now, the test will be our road trip to Houston this weekend...It's only me and the boys, so I am trying not to make many stops, so I MAY have to put him in a pull-up for the trip. But I am going to bring the potty with us so he can continue going without a diaper down there. Will keep you posted!
Cool, Not Cute
Grayson is so funny! He will tell me how cute Conley is and in response, I tell him that Conley's cute just like he is. Grayson's response - "I'm NOT cute, I'm COOL!"
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