Thursday, October 1, 2009
Did my child really just do what I think he did?? OMG!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Our trip to Houston
For the first part of the weekend we stayed with my brother-in-law and sister-in-law, Chris and Kelly. Grayson loved it there, especially their little patio/sunroom. He got to feed their little beta-fish, named simply enough, fish-fish. That evening we went to eat at Beck's Prime at the mall to celebrate my other brother-in-law, Kelley's, 40th birthday since we were all in town together. My sister-in-law, Kelly, is genius when it comes to planning activities/outings around little kids. So, the restaurant was loud and noisy - perfect - and it was attached to the mall that had a really cool kids' play area. Now, Grayson was also on his first week of hard core potty training, so most of his play time was spent trying to go to the bathroom. He would play and come running to me telling me he had to poop, so off we would run to the bathroom, but then he couldn't go. It was quite frustrating and he kept touching the toilet seat - gross! We used lots of antibacterial wipes and hand sanitizer that night. Once we got back to Chris and Kelly's condo Grayson ended up pooping on his little potty - magic! So far so accidents!

The next day was Saturday, the day of the big shin-dig for Zack and Ana. Since we figured that all of the Langes would be running around like crazy trying to get ready for the party, Kelly suggested that we take the boys to the Children's Museum. So after a little breakfast, off we went. Grayson had a blast running around and checking everything out and Conley was such a trooper. He sat in the stroller the whole time without so much as a peep. Nice!

Grayson was rewarded with a big twisty lollipop for pooping on the potty. So far so good...still no accidents! And I even forgot to ask him if he needed to go while we were at the museum and we were there for a long time - woohoo!
After some much needed naps for the boys, we got ourselves ready and headed over to Rob's house. All the family was there as well as Ana's family and some close friends. The boys were ready to hang out in the pool, so I changed them into their trunks and handed them over. They had a blast. Grayson even came running to me a couple of times to tell me he needed to go pee/poop on the potty - how awesome is that? I think the fact that all the family was there and he got to be the center of attention and everyone was praising him for going potty like a big boy did wonders for our potty training. He loved telling everyone that he went poop on the potty and getting high-fives.

Poor little Conley got so tired...we cleaned him up, fixed up the pack n play, turned the noise machine up as loud as it would go, put a "baby sleeping" sign on the door, and he crashed out until 8:30 the next morning without a peep to be heard. Grayson, on the other hand, was a little party animal, hanging out with all of the girls in the hot tub. It was too funny and he loved every minute of it! He especially loved shooting the girls with the squirt gun and attacking Aunt Kelly with his "binoculars". It was almost midnight before I got him cleaned up and ready for bed.

The ride home on Sunday wasn't quite as pleasant. Conley was quite the grumpy-monster, I'm sure from being so worn out from all of the activities. Grayson was still pretty content with the movies on the DVD player. We had to stop a few more times along the way, mostly because Conley was crying and I wanted to make sure he was okay and wasn't stewing in a poopy diaper or something. Boy, was it nice to finally make it home! All in all, I would say it was a successful trip!
I'm not YOUR G!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Is there a baby in your tummy?
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Ok, Seriously...Are you Kidding Me?
On the bright-side of things today, Conley started saying "momma" and meaning it! Finally!!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Going Commando
Cool, Not Cute
ECI Visit and The Pediatric Opthamologist
So the ECI consultation was on Wednesday of last week and there were different therapists present to observe different developmental areas. Based on their observations, Conley is delayed in three areas (and this is with a 3-month delay in their scale, since all children develop at their own pace). In these three areas, he as at a 12 month level and he is 16 months old now. So, we have decided to enroll him in the program , which means therapists will come out to the house to work with him in these areas and teach us how to work with him. The scary thing is that NF can cause developmental delays, so you don’t really know if he is delayed because that’s just his pace, or if it’s potentially caused by NF.
The visit to the ophthalmologist was not too fun, since they had to dilate Conley’s eyes. In order to do this, Jon had to restrain Conley while the nurse pried open his eyelids in order to put the dilating drops in. I think it traumatized him a little because now when I lean him back in the bathtub to rinse his hair he starts getting upset, which he never did before. Ultimately, we received good news. Nothing appears in his eyes at this point, but the doctor made a point of telling us that if he were in our position, he would probably get an MRI done. Just because he can’t see anything in the eye, doesn’t mean that there isn’t anything going on behind the scenes. He seemed pretty knowledgeable about NF; apparently he has treated patients with NF before.
Since NF is caused by a mutated gene, Jon looked on our insurance plan and found an pediatric geneticist at Cook’s Childrens in Denton. We plan to make an appointment to discuss our options and see if it’s possible to have him tested for this particular gene mutation. It would just be so much better to know, if possible, than to play out this waiting game with the screening strategy, since some indicators won’t show up until they are 7-8 years old and some even into puberty. That way, if he does have it, at least we can prepare ourselves and know what to watch for.
BUT, good news - Conley did start walking all by himself over the weekend and he is EVERYWHERE! There's no stopping him now! And he is starting to say more we're moving in the right direction.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Grayson's Den and His First 3-D movie

After his short nap (we had to wake him up in order to make the 3:00 movie time), we took Grayson to see the movie "Up" in 3-D. It was a great movie and Grayson was totally engaged the whole time. He had a bit of trouble with the glasses at first, but he did really well. And this was his first time in the big theatre, other than the two other times we took him to the Studio Movie Grill.

The only drawback was the cost of our outing...we had to pay a premium on the tickets since it was in 3-D, so that was $30...throw in a hot dog (Grayson didn't eat lunch before we left), a drink for Grayson, a large diet coke, and ginormous bucket of popcorn, and some sour patch candy and we're over $50! Geez, Louise!
Friday, May 29, 2009
Why does my house smell like bleach????
Rob, Zack, Hailey, and Ana were still here on Sunday morning, but I had to make a quick run to IKEA because they had the bookcase I wanted for the play area upstairs on sale for almost 1/2 the price it ususally sells for. We had gone to IKEA the night before, but they had already sold of out their stock for the day, leaving me to have to return on this Sunday morning. It was a madhouse! This particular bookcase is so popular that they were giving out vouchers for them at the door, and once the vouchers were gone, that was it. Lucky for me I went a little early. So, once they unleashed the masses, I made my way to the cashier, paid, and wheeled the bookcase out to the car, all the while thinking, "this bookcase is a lot heavier than I thought it would the heck am I going to lift it up into the car?" Right about the time I made it to the car, two guys were making their way through the parking lot to enter the store. I asked them if they could do me a huge favor and help me lift the box into the car, and they gladly obliged - thank you, two bulky guys in the IKEA parking lot!
So, I get back to the house and walk in through the back door...the house smells of bleach, like someone spilled it everywhere or something. I am thinking, "what the heck happened here?!" About that time, Jon comes running into the powder bathroom with a kid under his arm. I assume it's Grayson, but it turns out to be Grayson's buddy, Hayden, who we had invited over to play. Jon proceeds to tell me that Grayson was playing with the little rake in the gravel outside and Hayden wanted a little rake, too, and it was apparently a good idea to Jon to get the little rake we use to scoop dog poop and give it to Hayden to play with, but only after disinfecting it first with bleach. So, Jon went and got a bucket, filled it with water, and then started to pour some bleach into the water. About the same time, Hayden walks up towards Jon to see what is going on. As Jon pours the bleach, it splashes up (was he holding the bottle of bleach way up hig as he poured it?), gets all over his shirt, Hayden's shirt, and in Hayden's eye. Hayden tells Jon that his eye is burning - GREAT! Just blind our neigbor's child, why don't you? So Jon grabs Hayden and rushes him into the bathroom and proceeds to flush out his eye - for 15 minutes. Apparently this is what it says to do on the bottle if the bleach should somehow come in contact with your eyes. Jon then calls over to the Ruster's to let them know an "incident" had occurred, but that Hayden was okay. Erica was cracking up when she later relayed to me that Jon sounded like a little kid who was in trouble. She said, "I think he actually referred to me as 'Mrs. Ruster'". *LOL*
My response to Jon's genius idea - WHY, for the love of God, would you think it's okay to let the child play with a rake that we use to scoop the dog poo? I don't care if you freaking disinfect it, it's still used to scoop poo - it's a poo rake! This whole situation should have never even happened! Leave it to a guy...
Here's the aftermath of what happened to the shirts that Jon and Hayden were wearing.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Helllllooooo, anyone there??
Good Times Cookout at Trey and Melissa's House

Sunday, February 15, 2009
Still Catching up...December and Christmas 2008

We went with Erin and Thatcher to get pictures of the boys with Santa. Conley did great! I think since he was watching Grayson and saw that Grayson was fine, he was fine. Although he did give Santa a once over, like "what the heck is this?"

Grayson had his school Christmas program and he did SO much better than he did at his Spring program earlier in the year. He really got into it and he had the privelege of shaking the jingle bells center stage. He was such a ham! All the kids were so cute! Afterwards, his class had their little Christmas party together. Grayson really loves his teachers, Mrs. Tonya and Mrs. Betty.

We had Grandpa's (Great-Grandpa) birthday party and the ADR Inc. (family company) Christmas party. And somewhere along the way, Grayson decided to try on one of Mimi's high-heeled boots.