Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Helllllooooo, anyone there??

OK, so I have to be the WORST blogger in the history of all blogs! I just can't seem to keep up these days (okay, for the past 6 months or so), but in my list of priorities each day, it just doesn't seem to make the cut. By the time I get done with everything else AND get the boys to bed, the last thing I want to do is be on the computer. BUT, I am back and I am going to make a very valiant effort to keep this gosh-darned thing updated. Especially because if I don't, I'll truly regret not chronicling all of the funny things that the boys say and do.

So the last couple of weekends have been pretty busy. We had family in town for both of those weekends...throw in a soccer tournament, a cookout, and a pool party and that's just the tip of our busy iceberg. But, we LOVE having our family visit and the boys really enjoyed seeing their Aunt Kelly, Uncles Chris and Rob, and cousins Hailey and Zack (and Ana!) Here are some pics from all of the fun!

Good Times Cookout at Trey and Melissa's House
It was nice to finally get together with everyone. Now that we all have kids, it's so hard to find the time on everyone's calendar. Heather was going in for a scheduled c-section the next day - what a trooper!

Memorial Day Summer Kick-Off at the Perhala's
Our awesome neighbors, Scott and Tiffaney, host this annual summer kick-off and it's always a great time! Grayson and Hayden really had a blast now that are at an age that allows them to really play and interact with the other kids.

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