Both boys are doing great and growing up before our eyes. Conley's 8 months old now. We had to start supplementing because he wasn't gaining enough weight. It makes me a little sad that we're done with the nursing already, but I am glad we at least made it this long. I guess I will feel liberated once we're completely done. No more expanding and shrinking every day. And yea for the return of wine and margaritas! Conley's baby afro is starting to lay down now that his hair is getting longer. It still sticks up, but just not as much.
Grayson recently got some new Skechers shoes. They are his favorite. He says "Mommy, I want to wear my 'Skoochers'". It's so funny! Grayson has also had a recent breakthrough in the potty training department. He's not consistent yet, but he's doing great! Although, I guess it helps that we provide incentives (read "toys"). This potty training business is getting expensive! But I guess diapers are expensive, too. So we're just trading one expense for another.
Another big event that happened recently was Grayson's first visit to the dentist. Our friend, Erica, kept Conley for me so that I could dedicate my full attention to Grayson, since the experience from this first visit could dictate how well (or not so well) future visits go. I was worried, but there was no need. He did awesome! I was so proud of him! Of course, it helps that this dentist is a pediatric dentist and the entire office is outfitted for entertainment and distraction of the kids. The waiting area is a play haven, and once inside the office, there are TV screens on the ceiling, fun murals on the wall, and more.
They put "Cars" on for Grayson, and I think at that point he was sold! All of the hygienists and "Dr. CC" were awesome with him.
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