Well, Grayson had his first official mommy-given haircut today (not counting the baby hair trims). I decided to try to cut it myself since taking him somewhere to get it cut is such a total nightmare everytime we go. Grayson saw me trimming Jon's hair with the clippers one day, so I asked him if it would be okay for mommy to cut his hair and he nodded yes. Apparently, Mommy with clippers is not as scary as the stylists with clippers. So, with Mimi and Grandpa here for support, I proceeded to trim his entire head with a #8 guard. Note to self - do not use a guard on the top of his head because even the #8 makes it too short! At least it will grow out fairly quickly. And Grayson was a champ through the entire thing! So proud of him. After we were done, I asked him how it was and he replied, "It's not bad."
Conley's finally starting to be able to sit up on his own. Today was the first time he sat up on his own for about a minute or so before toppling over onto his side.

Grayson and Mimi raced lawnmowers today

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