Snippets of the day-to-day happenings and crazy lives of the Keith Family
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Perhala-ween 2008
Jon and I went to our neighbor's annual Halloween party last night. It was fun as usual, but this is the first year that kids were not allowed to attend. I guess the guest list has gotten so big that it would be not as fun for those adults without kids to have to deal with the running around and the loudness that ususally accompanies. But I have to say, it was nice to be there without the kiddos for a change...Mommy got to drink some "happy juice" (maybe a little too much, since I was feeling the effects the next day) and have conversations without interruption. Very nice.
Our gracious hosts, the Perhalas - can you guess who they are dressed up as? Hmmmm....
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