Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Getting ready for the roadtrip...

So, why am I on here posting a new blog entry when I should be packing feverishly to make sure everyone has all that they need for our road trip to see Jon's parents? Call it procrastination...it's my weakness! I figured I hadn't posted an entry in a while, so why not now? The days since my last entry have proved to be pretty uneventful, which is a good thing these days. We're looking forward to going down to the ranch in Kerrville and hanging out with Jon's family, eating a lot of food, and watching some UT football. I'm sure there will be more to report once we get back. Road trips always make for some interesting incidents when you travel with a two-year old.

One funny thing that Grayson has been doing lately is staying up waaaaaaaay past his bedtime after it's supposed to be lights out. We really have no idea what time he actually goes to sleep. We'll go up and check on him before we go to bed and his little lamp on his nightstand will be on and his books scaterred around him in the bed. I guess we should go and check on him like 10 minutes after putting him to bed to make sure we enforce lights out? He started doing the same thing at naptime today, too, so he's really not getting the sleep he should be getting. Who knew that 2-year olds could be so sneaky?

Happy Turkey Day to everyone! More posts to come...

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